Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Ruth had her first recital recently. She has played cello for about a year now. She did a wonderful job and we were so very proud of her. I also thought she looked beautiful up on that stage.

This is my favorite picture from the recital. Can you see how furrowed her brow is? (click on image for a larger picture)

Ruthie is very focused when she performs (she is also in a homeschool orchestra). She has a real presence on stage and is very expressive. At the reception after the recital, a woman came up to Ruthie and said, "You played very well today, but what I really enjoyed were all your expressions!"

We call Ruthie our "drama queen", and that's not always a good thing. In this case, though, it really added to her performance on stage.


Jules said...

My son has taken up the cello, and I love the sound of it. You daughter looks beautiful.

(I got here through the WTM Board. I don't want you to think I am a weirdo or something...)

Rhonda said...

Jules -

I strongly encouraged DD to play the cello. I also love the sound of it. It is my favorite string instrument.

(LOL about your "weirdo" comment.)