Friday, October 07, 2005

Good, Perfect Gifts

I am participating in Bible Study Fellowship again this year. If you are not familiar with BSF, it is a international non-denominational Bible study program. Each week, you have a discussion group and a lecture. You have homework that consists of notes covering the previous week's lesson and 5 days of questions about the next section of scripture. This year, we're studying Genesis. It has only been a few weeks, but it has already been an incredible study.

This past week, we studied the creation of man and woman. During the lecture, our leader said, "Every gift from God is good and perfect." This statement has been swirling through my head ever since.

My beautiful son is on the autism spectrum. He has problems and struggles other children don't have. As a parent, I face problems and struggles others don't have. I have railed against fate. I have railed against God. Why my son? Why me? Why is their child so "perfect"? It's not fair!

I got my answer this week. My son is a gift from God. He is good. He is perfect. I am blessed.

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